Celebrate Your Successes! You Deserve It. 

Generation Panic’ers tend to rush from one thing to the other. In doing so, they forget to pause and celebrate their achievements along the way. Ambitious high-achieving professionals are often so focused on the end result that they forget to stop and appreciate what has already been achieved. They do set goals, but once theyContinue reading “Celebrate Your Successes! You Deserve It. “

The Positive Impact of a Gratitude Book

A gratitude book is proven to have a positive impact on our lives. It brings us a wealth of positive emotions. By practicing gratitude, Generation Panic’ers can learn to appreciate the small things in life, feel happier and be calmer. As we learn to discover the positives in the everyday moments, we can reduce ourContinue reading “The Positive Impact of a Gratitude Book”

The Importance of Boundaries

Do you sometimes finish a conversation or a phone call with a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction or even a sense of frustration? Did you say ‘yes’ to doing something when you actually did not want to do it whatsoever? To know your boundaries and convey them in a clear way is essential to feeling good;Continue reading “The Importance of Boundaries”