Visualising is when you have a clear vision of the future; seeing yourself in a situation in the future where something has happened, usually where you have some level of success and/ or completed a goal. By clearly defining these visions, it can provide motivation to move towards it and often reveal some of theContinue reading “POWER OF VISUALISATION”

Find Your Creative Flow

Do you feel stuck at work in the same routines day after day? Are you struggling for inspiration? For many Generation Panic’ers this is common. With very demanding jobs and packed agendas with scheduled activities, we have little room left for creativity. We are often spinning around on a fast-paced hamster wheel – how canContinue reading “Find Your Creative Flow”

Try Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation has been around for thousands of years and yet, in many ways, it seems that it is most needed now. In a time where we often feel overwhelmed by all the “noise” and everything we have to do and accomplish, we forget to be in the moment, and to sit still and be silent.Continue reading “Try Meditation & Mindfulness”

In a Panic

An overwhelming rush of energy courses through your body  When we are stressed cortisol and adrenaline levels increase in the body; a surge of energy that pushes you into action. You suddenly feel your heartbeat increase, you begin to breathe faster and can start sweating. This reaction is called the ‘fight-or-flight response’, a physiological response toContinue reading “In a Panic”