Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It can form due to many different reasons such as feeling under pressure, big changes in life, lack of control, overwhelming responsibilities, experiencing hate or abuse or stages of uncertainty and worry. Stress lives in people in different ways depending on their comfort & resilience levels, past experiences, resources available to them or support from others.

By identifying symptoms, it can be far easier to acknowledge and then address them. Some signs are as follows:

● Feelings of anger, overwhelm, anxiety, unenjoyment of life, dread, worry, neglect or loneliness

● Breathing difficulties

● Panic attacks

● Blurred eyesight or sore eyes

● Sleep problems, including insomnia and oversleeping

● Fatigue, fainting or dizziness

● Muscle and heartaches

● Sickness

It is important to address these issues as soon as possible to reduce the impact on your mental and physical health. Some methods to help are:

● Take deep breaths and close your eyes

○ Elevated levels of oxygen in the brain can reduce stress and anxiety significantly.

○ Try the box breathing technique bringing full, deep breaths to the pit of your belly as you count in fours. In for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four… and repeat.

● Meditate

○ Meditation can help you relax deeply and calm your mind, allowing yourself to focus on one thing at a time and getting rid of thoughts that crowd your mind

○ Find a mediation app that can guide you, such as HeadSpace, Calm, 10 Percent Happier. They will build in accountability and a structure for you to follow.

● Check in with yourself

○ It is important to identify what you are feeling.

○ Start journaling or writing down your thoughts to not only release them from swirling around your head, but also so you can acknowledge and subsequently address them.

● Avoid drugs and alcohol

○ They add to stress levels and you can become addicted as you lean on a coping mechanism.

○ Instead make sure to get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet and stay active.

● Take breaks when needed

○ They help you stay integrated between work and relaxation, allowing productivity to be maintained as well as keeping you from overworking.

● Seek support from loved ones

○ They can lighten your mental load and help release pressure.

○ Doing fun things with loved ones can ease stress

● Get hobbies

○ People with hobbies are less likely to suffer from low moods, stress and depression. They can activate pleasure centres in your brain, releasing dopamine and creating feelings of relaxation and happiness.

○ Hobbies can also decrease cortisol level, which is a hormone associated with stress.

○ For example, gardening has been proven to increase serotonin levels in the brain and improve psychological health

○ In addition, engaging in mindful activities can ease your stress by reducing activity in the amygdala (so try out colouring, doodling, stress ball, yoga, nature walk etc…)

● Practice self affirmations

○ Studies have shown that affirming yourself about your strengths, accomplishments and confidence reinforces these positive thoughts and can reduce anxiety

○ Some positive affirmations to relieve stress are:

  • I am in control
  • I am enough
  • I am safe
  • I am doing my very best
  • I am becoming stronger
  • I am free from stress
  • All is well in my world
  • I can do this

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